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Title: Down the Hume

Author: Peter Polites

Price: $10.00

ISBN: 9780733635564

Publisher: Hachette

This edition published: 2017

Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback

Condition: Good condition

Down the Hume

  • 'He touched my face. When his hand went along my bruised top lip and my almost broken nose, I winced from the pain. His fist went into a deep denim pocket. Pulled out a Syrinapx bottle, twisted the cap off and handed me two light blue pills.'

    How did Bucky get here? A series of accidents. A tragic love for a violent man. An addiction to painkillers he can't seem to kick. An unlikely friendship with an ageing patient.

    Drugs, memories and the objects of his desire are colluding against Bucky. And when it hits him. Bam. A ton of bricks ...

    The shadowy places of Western Sydney can be lit up with the hope of love, but no streetlight can illuminate like obsession.

    A novel of addiction, secrets and misplaced love, this is an Australian debut not to be missed.

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