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Title: Frogkisser!

Author: Garth Nix

Price: $10.00

ISBN: 9781780293512

Publisher: Allen & Unwin

This edition published: 2017

Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback

Condition: Good condition


  • Poor Princess Anya. Forced to live with her evil stepmother’s new husband, her evil stepstepfather. Plagued with an unfortunate ability to break curses with a magic-assisted kiss. And forced to go on the run when her stepstepfather decides to make the kingdom entirely his own.

    Aided by a loyal talking dog, a boy thief trapped in the body of a newt, and some extraordinarily mischievous wizards, Anya sets off on a Quest that, if she plays it right, will ultimately free her land—and teach her a thing or two about the use of power, the effectiveness of a well-placed pucker, and the finding of friends in places both high and low.

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