Title: How to Climb Mount Everest in Sandals
Author: Rhiannon Rees
Price: $14.00
ISBN: 9780008297152
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
This edition published: 2020
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
How to Climb Mount Everest in Sandals
I looked at him, standing there in my best lingerie-my husband, my mate, my companion of many years. He took my hands and with a small smile said, "I thought for a moment about lying to you, but the truth is, I have always wanted to be a girl."
How to Climb Mount Everest in Sandals is the story of a life that has been anything but ordinary. Rhiannon has experienced more than enough for three lifetimes. This is one case where reality really is stranger than fiction.
The raw and heart-wrenching story of Rhiannon's life grabs you from the first paragraph and does not let you go. After losing everything, Rhiannon learns how to embrace the ordinary moments in life and realizes how very extraordinary they can be, and inspires the reader to do the same.