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Title: Molly the Pet Detective Dog

Author: Colin Butcher

Price: $10.00

ISBN: 9780241371770

Publisher: Penguin Random House

This edition published: 2019

Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback

Condition: Good condition

Molly the Pet Detective Dog

  • Molly the cocker spaniel spent the first years of her life unloved and unwanted. But her life changed forever when Colin, Head of the UK Pet Detectives, spotted her on a rescue page.

    With her big heart, intelligence and incredible sense of smell, Molly was a natural pet detective, assisting Colin as he travelled across the country reuniting beloved missing cats with their grateful owners.

    Molly has also tracked down stolen dogs, survived a deadly snake bite in the line of duty, and even unearthed hidden treasure - there's never a dull day in the life of a dog detective!

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