Title: Molly the Pet Detective Dog
Author: Colin Butcher
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 9780241371770
Publisher: Penguin Random House
This edition published: 2019
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
Molly the Pet Detective Dog
Molly the cocker spaniel spent the first years of her life unloved and unwanted. But her life changed forever when Colin, Head of the UK Pet Detectives, spotted her on a rescue page.
With her big heart, intelligence and incredible sense of smell, Molly was a natural pet detective, assisting Colin as he travelled across the country reuniting beloved missing cats with their grateful owners.
Molly has also tracked down stolen dogs, survived a deadly snake bite in the line of duty, and even unearthed hidden treasure - there's never a dull day in the life of a dog detective!