Title: The Book of Lost and Found
Author: Lucy Foley
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 9780007575336
Publisher: Harper Collins
This edition published: 2015
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
The Book of Lost and Found
Kate Darling's enigmatic mother--a once-famous ballerina--has passed away, leaving Kate bereft. When her grandmother falls ill and bequeaths to Kate a small portrait of a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Kate's mother, Kate uncovers a mystery that may upend everything she thought she knew.
Kate's journey to find the true identity of the woman in the portrait takes her to some of the world's most iconic and indulgent locales, revealing a love story that began in the wild 1920s and was disrupted by war and could now spark new love for Kate.