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Title: The Break

Author: Marian Keyes

Price: $7.00

ISBN: 9781405918756

Publisher: Penguin Random House

This edition published: 2018

Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback

Condition: Good condition 

The Break

  • Amy's husband Hugh says he isn't leaving her.

    He still loves her, he's just taking a break - from their marriage, their children and, most of all, from their life together. Six months to lose himself in south-east Asia. And there is nothing Amy can say or do about it.

    Yes, it's a mid-life crisis, but let's be clear: a break isn't a break up - yet . . .

    However, for Amy it's enough to send her - along with her extended family of gossips, misfits and troublemakers - teetering over the edge.

    For a lot can happen in six-months. When Hugh returns if he returns, will he be the same man she married? And will Amy be the same woman?

    Because if Hugh is on a break from their marriage, then isn't she?

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