Title: The Lebs
Author: Michael Mohammed Ahmad
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 9780733639012
Publisher: Hachette
This edition published: 2018
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Very good condition
The Lebs
'Bani Adam thinks he's better than us!' they say over and over until finally I shout back, 'Shut up, I have something to say!'
They all go quiet and wait for me to explain myself, redeem myself, pull my shirt out, rejoin the pack. I hold their anticipation for three seconds, and then, while they're all ablaze, I say out loud, 'I do think I'm better.'
As far as Bani Adam is concerned Punchbowl Boys is the arse end of the earth. Though he's a Leb and they control the school, Bani feels at odds with the other students, who just don't seem to care. He is a romantic in a sea of hypermasculinity.
Bani must come to terms with his place in this hostile, hopeless world, while dreaming of so much more.