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Title: The Mayor's Tongue

Author: Nathaniel Rich

Price: $9.00

ISBN: 9781594483684

Publisher: Penguin Books

Year published: 2008

Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback

Condition: Good condition

The Mayor's Tongue

  • The Mayor's Tongue is a bold and vertiginous debut novel that unfolds in two narratives, one following a young man and the other an old man. The young man is Eugene Brentani, a devotee of the reclusive author and adventurer Constance Eakins, who goes to Trieste to find the girl he loves, who has in turn gone there herself to find Eakins. The old man is Mr. Schmitz, whose wife is dying, and who longs to confide in his dear friend Rutherford. But Rutherford has disappeared, and his letters, postmarked from Italy, become more and more ominous as the weeks pass.

    In separate but resonating story lines, both men's adventures take them from New York City to the mountains of northern Italy, where the line between reality and imagination begins to blur and stories take on a life of their own.

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