Title: The Undesirables: Inside Nauru
Author: Mark Isaacs
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 9781743793121
Publisher: Hardie Grant Books
This edition published: 2017
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Good condition
The Undesirables: Inside Nauru
Queue jumper, boat person, illegals. Asylum seekers are contentious front-page news but obtaining information about Australia’s regional processing centres is increasingly difficult. We learn only what the government wants us to know.
Mark Isaacs worked for the Salvation Army inside the Nauru Detention Centre soon after it re-opened in 2012. He provided humanitarian aid to the men interned in the camp. What he saw there moved him to speak out.
The Undesirables chronicles his time on Nauru detailing daily life and the stories of the men held there; the self-harm, suicide attempts, and riots; the rare moments of joy; the moments of deep despair.
Mark's eyewitness account humanises a political debate usually ruled by misleading rhetoric.