Title: The Weight of a Thousand Feathers
Author: Brian Conaghan
Price: $10.00
ISBN: 9781408889121
Publisher: Bloomsbury YA
This edition published: 2018
Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback
Condition: Very good condition
The Weight of a Thousand Feathers
Who is Bobby Seed?
He's just your average sixteen-year-old - same wants, same fears, same hang-ups. Dull, dull, dull.
But then there's the Bobby Seed who's a world away from average. The Bobby Seed who has to wipe his mum's backside, sponge her clean three times a week, try to soothe her pain. The Bobby Seed whose job it is to provide for his younger brother, Danny, to rub his back when he's stressed and can only groan and rock instead of speak. That's Bobby Seed. Same, same, same, yet different, different, different ...