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Title: This Love

Author: Dani Atkins

Price: $11.00

ISBN: 9781471142253

Publisher: Simon & Schuster

This edition published: 2017

Paperback or Hardcover: Paperback

Condition: Good condition

This Love

  • Sophie stopped believing in happy endings a long time ago, but could this love change all of that?

    Sophie Winter lives in a self-imposed cocoon - she's a single, 31-year-old translator who works from home in her one-bedroom flat. This isn't really the life she dreamed of, but then Sophie stopped believing in dreams when she was a teenager and tragedy struck her family.

    So, to be safe, she keeps everyone at arm's length. Sophie understands she has a problem, but recognising it and knowing how to fix it are two entirely different things.

    One night a serious fire breaks out in the flat below hers. Sophie is trapped in the burning building until a passer-by, Ben, sees her and rescues her.

    Suddenly her cocoon is shattered - what will be the consequences of this second life-changing event?

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